Why West County Christian Home Educators ?
WCCHE works to continually provide helpful resources and information, and to coordinate opportunities for our members that enhance our home school experiences and build up a strong support community. Your $30 yearly membership dues give you access to our interactive website as well as details & invitations for all WCCHE sponsored events. Stay updated and connected via our secure members only forum. Find and connect with other families of similar age and interests using our secure and private member family directory.

Summer/ Fall:
August – WCCHE annual picnic; Fieldtrip Co-op Begins
September – Homeschool Soccer & Chess Club begin
October – Fall Family Camping Trip; Fall Festival & Chili Cook-off; Meet the board & Vote on new Board Members
January – Spelling Bee; Field Trip Co-op; Chess Club Begins
February – Talent Show / Art Fair
March – Missouri Homeschooling Convention | Great Homeschool Conventions
April- Homeschool Soccer Begins
May – Senior Graduation, and 8th Grade Graduation.
June- Ice Cream Social Craft Fair / Used Book Sale
Member Sponsored activities include: Many activities including a year round Friday play Dates group, service opportunities, sports, fine arts, political involvement, camping trips, robotics, information for learning centers, drama performances, music recitals, Geography Bee, Bible Bee, and Math Olympics. What would you like to add?!
We welcome you to browse our public site and contact us with any questions (wcchehelp@gmail.com). We would love to have you join our homeschool community!!